From Santa Paws with Love

From Santa Paws with Love

As a street dog myself I know only too well how much every act of kindness counts... Last Friday I was honoured to be Santa Paws, personally delivering Christmas boxes of my superfood to dogs living on the streets with their homeless owners.  The benefits from Rockster bio-organic food will give their digestive tract, immune system and organ function a significant boost that will last for several weeks. The boxes also had pawsome toys made by City Dog Expert, Kim Freeman, and blankets to help keep them warm in these cold months.  Thanks must go to Warming Up The Homeless for helping us to spread a little canine cheer this Christmas and letting us join their incredible mission! It’s so sad that shelters don't accept dogs too, leaving the homeless who love their canine companions with no choice but to sleep with their dogs on the streets.

The look of joy on the owner’s faces when they saw a fellow Mutt really does care about their dog too was something I’ll never forget... I’m so happy to have rocked their world, even if just for a few days.

If you would like to help or contribute further to Warming Up The Homeless please email

I hope your Christmas ROCKS and don’t forget to hug your pawsome pooch from me too! 

May all your (and your dog’s) wishes come true these holidays!

The Rockster
