Rockster’s year in review 2016

Rockster’s year in review 2016

Wow, what a year it has been! I started 2016 as a much loved stray from the back streets of Naples, who had been rescued all those years ago from La Conca del Sogno, happily spending my old age enjoying my superfood each day from unmarked cans…

In just 12 months I’ve become the face and name of the first certified superfood for dogs with my own website and stockists in 8 countries. Most importantly that food has saved the lives of King and Archie as well as rocking the world (and tastebuds) of many others.

I’ve been to parties, launches and even hosted a dog’s dinner party in Vienna, and I became a Daddy of the Pawsome Pupsters (ok the downside of that is that my tranquil home life has been completely destroyed). My food won an award at the London Vet Show, and I’m often stopped in the street with people knowing my name!

I feel so honoured to have so many new friends on Instagram and Facebook and must really get to grips with Twitter now! My friends at Embark Vet and researchers at Cornell University in America are at this moment trying to figure out what really happened on the back streets of Naples all those years ago.

I was so happy to be Santa Paws for homeless dogs on the streets of Hastings this Christmas and hope that in the future Rockster Superfood can help rescue more street dogs like me…

I think it is fair to say I have officially been denied retirement and my day to day job includes being chief taster of new recipes (along with Mum, Dad and the Pawsome Pupsters) which I hope will rock your dog’s world even more in 2017…

Thank you for being part of my incredible story that started in the “Home of Dreams” all those years ago. Thank you for caring about what your dog eats too, and please give them a huge Happy New Year hug from me and my family…

Let’s ROCK 2107 together!

With the biggest Baci ever

The Rockster
